Cockrell School of Engineering University of Texas at Austin
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Dr. John Ries

Dr. John Ries

Refereed Papers:

Reply to "A comment on "A test of general relativity using the LARES and LAGEOS satellites and a GRACE Earth gravity model, by I. Ciufolini et al. " ", Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:880, (I. Ciufolini, E. C. Pavlis, J. Ries, R. Matzner, R. Koenig, A. Paolozzi, G. Sindoni, V. Gurzadyan, R. Penrose, and C. Paris).

A New Laser-Ranged Satellite for General Relativity and Space Geodesy: IV. Thermal drag and the LARES 2 space experiment, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 2018, 133:333. DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2018-12174-y (I. Ciufolini, R. Matzner, J. C. Feng, A. Paolozzi, D. P. Rubincam, E. C. Pavlis, J. C. Ries, G. Sindoni and C. Paris).

Decadal Variation in Earth's Oblateness (J2) from Satellite Laser Ranging Data, Geophys. J. Int., 2018, 212(2), 1218-1224, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggx483 (M.K. Cheng and J. C. Ries).

A New Laser-Ranged Satellite for General Relativity and Space Geodesy: I. An Introduction to the LARES2 Space Experiment, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 2017, 132:336. DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2017-11635-1 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. C. Pavlis, G. Sindoni, R. Koenig, J. C. Ries, R. Matzner, V. Gurzadyan, R. Penrose, D. Rubincam, and C. Paris).

A New Laser-Ranged Satellite for General Relativity and Space Geodesy: II. Monte Carlo Simulations and covariance analyses of the LARES 2 Experiment, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 2017, 132:337. DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2017-11636-0 (I. Ciufolini, E. C. Pavlis, G. Sindoni, J. C. Ries, A. Paolozzi, R. Matzner, R. Koenig, and C. Paris).

The Unexpected Signal in GRACE Estimates of C20, J. Geodesy, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-016-0995-5 (M.K. Cheng and J. C. Ries)

Broad-band Assessment of Degree-2 Gravitational Changes from GRACE and Other Estimates, 2002-2015, J. Geophys. Res., 2016, DOI: 10.1002/2015JB012708 (J. L. Chen, C. R. Wilson, and J. C. Ries).

A Test of General Relativity Using the LARES and LAGEOS Satellites and a GRACE Earth Gravity Model; Measurement of Earth's Dragging of Inertial Frames, Eur. Phys. J. C, 76(120), 2016, DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-3961-8 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. C. Pavlis, R. Koenig, J. Ries, V. Gurzadyan, R. Matzner, R. Penrose, G. Sindoni, C. Paris, H. Khachatryan, and S. Mirzoyan). []

Preliminary Orbital Analysis of the LARES Space Experiment, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 130:133, 2015, DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2015-15133-2 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. C. Pavlis, R. Koenig, J. Ries, V. Gurzadyan, R. Matzner, R. Penrose, G. Sindoni, and C. Paris).

DPOD2008 - A DORIS-oriented Terrestrial Reference Frame for Precise Orbit Determination, International Association of Geodesy Symposia series, Vol. 143, pp. 175-181, DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_125, 2015 (P. Willis, N. P. Zelensky, J. C. Ries, L. Soudarin, L. Cerri, F. G. Lemoine, M. Otten, D. F. Argus, and M. B. Heflin), in IAG 150 Years (C. Rizos and P. Willis, Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, 1-6 September 2013.

The International DORIS Service (IDS), Recent developments in preparation of ITRF2013, International Association of Geodesy Symposia series, Vol. 143, pp. 631-639, DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_164, 2015 (P. Willis, F. G. Lemoine, G. Moreaux, L. Soudarin, P. Ferrage, J. C. Ries, M. Otten, J. Saunier, C. E. Noll, R. Biancale, and B. Luzum), in IAG 150 Years (C. Rizos and P. Willis, Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, 1-6 September 2013.

Fundamental Physics and General Relativity with the LARES and LAGEOS satellites, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, Volumes 243-244, pp. 180-193, October-November 2013, Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Particle and Fundamental Physics in Space, arXiv:1309.1699 [gr-qc], 2013 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, R. Koenig, E. Pavlis, J. Ries, R. Matzner, V. Gurzadyan, R. Penrose, G. Sindoni, C. Paris).

Rapid Ice Melting Drives Earth's Pole to the East, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 40, 1-6, 2013, DOI:10.1002/grl.50552 (J. L. Chen, C. R. Wilson, J. C. Ries, and B. D. Tapley).

Deceleration in the Earth's Oblateness, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1-8, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/jgrb.50058 (M. K. Cheng, B. D. Tapley, and J. C. Ries).

Geocenter Variations from Analysis of SLR data, in Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 138, 19-26, 2013 [proceedings of REFAG2010, Marne-La-Vallée, France, 4-8 October 2010] (M. K. Cheng, B. D. Tapley, and J. C. Ries).

High-Frequency Noise in the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Intersatellite Ranging System, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 49(6), 2012, DOI:10.2514/1.60049 (U.-D. Ko, B. D. Tapley, J. C. Ries, and S. V. Bettadpur).

Testing General Relativity and Gravitational Physics using the LARES Satellite, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 127(133), 2012, DOI:10.1140/epjp/i2012-12133-8. (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. Pavlis, J. Ries, V. Gurzadyan, R. Koenig, R. Matzner, R. Penrose, and G. Sindoni).

LARES, Laser-Ranged Satellite for Testing General Relativity, Space Research Today, 182, September 2011, 11-25, DOI: 10.1016/ (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. Pavlis, J. Ries, R. Koenig, and R. Matzner).

The Earth's frame-dragging via laser-ranged satellites: A Response to "Some considerations on the present-day results for the detection of frame-dragging after the final outcome of GP-B" by Iorio L., Europhysics Letters, 96(3), 30002, 2011, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/96/30002 (J. Ries, I. Ciufolini, E. Pavlis, A. Paolozzi, R. Koenig, R. Matzner, G. Sindoni, and H. Neumayer).

Phenomenology of the Lense-Thirring Effect in the Solar System: Measurement of Frame-Dragging with Laser Ranged Satellites, New Astronomy, 17(2012), 341-346, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.newast.2011.08.003 (I. Ciufolini, E. Pavlis, A. Paolozzi, J. Ries, R. Koenig, R. Matzner, G. Sindoni, and K. Neumayer).

Variations of the Earth's Figure Axis from Satellite Laser Ranging and GRACE, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B01409, 2011, DOI:10.1029/2010JB000850 (M. Cheng, J. C. Ries, and B. D. Tapley).

Testing Gravitational Physics with Satellite Laser Ranging, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 126(72), 2011, DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2011-11072-22011 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. Pavlis, J. Ries, R. Koenig, R. Matzner, G. Sindoni, and H. Neumayer).

Precision Orbit Determination Standards for the Jason Series of Altimeter Mission, Marine Geodesy, 33(S1), 379-418, 2010, DOI: 10.1080/01490419.2010.488966 (L. Cerri, J. P. Berthias, W. I. Bertiger, B. J. Haines, and F. G. Lemoine, F. Mercier, J. C. Ries, P. Willis, and M. Ziebart).

Towards a One Percent Measurement of Frame Dragging by Spin with Satellite Laser Ranging to LAGEOS, LAGEOS 2 and LARES and GRACE Gravity Models, Space Science Reviews, 2009, DOI:10.1007/s11214-009-9585-7 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. C. Pavlis, J. C. Ries, R. Koenig, R. A. Matzner, G. Sindoni, and H. Neumayer).

Improving DORIS Geocenter Time Series Using an Empirical Rescaling of Solar Radiation Pressure Models, Adv. Space Res., 44(11), 1279-1287, 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2009.08.004 (M. L. Gobinddass, P. Willis, P., O. de Viron, A. Sibthorpe, N. P. Zelensky, J. C. Ries, R. Ferland, Y. Bar-Sever, M. Diament, and F. Lemoine).

Geocenter Variations Derived from GPS Tracking of the GRACE Satellites, J. Geodesy, 83(10), 895-901, 2009, DOI:10.1007/s00190-009-0307-4 (Z. Kang, B. Tapley, J. Chen, J. Ries, and S. Bettadpur).

The International DORIS Service: First Steps Toward Maturity, Adv. Space Res., 45, 1408-1420, 2009 DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2009.11.018 (P. Willis, H. Fagard, P. Ferrage, F. G. Lemoine, C. E. Noll, R. Noomen, M. Otten, J. C. Ries, M. Rothacher, L. Soudarin, G. Tavernier, J. J. Valette).

DPOD2005 : An extension of ITRF2005 for Precise Orbit Determination, Adv. Space Res., 44(5), 535-544, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2009.04.018, 2009 (P. Willis, J. C. Ries, N. P. Zelensky, L. Soudarin, H. Fagard; E. C. Pavlis, and F. G. Lemoine).

Orbit Accuracy Requirements for ABYSS: The Space Station Radar Altimeter to Map Global Bathymetry, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2008, GRSL-00207-2008.R1 (C. K. Shum, P. A. M. Abusali, C.-Y. Kuo, H. Lee, J. Ogle, R. K. Raney, J. C. Ries, W. H. F. Smith, D. Svehla, and C. Zhao).

Systematic Biases in DORIS-derived Geocenter Time Series Related to Solar Radiation Pressure Mis-modeling, J. Geodesy, 2009, 0949-7714, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-009-0303-8 (M.-L. Gobinddass, P. Willis, O. de Viron, A. Sibthorpe, N.P. Zelensky, J.C. Ries, R. Ferland, Y. Bar-Sever, and M. Diament).

Neutral Density Measurements from the GRACE Accelerometers, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 44(6) November-December, 1220-1225, 2007, DOI:10.2514/128843 (B. Tapley, J. Ries, S. Bettadpur, and M. Cheng).

Effects of Ice Melting on GRACE Observations of Ocean Mass Trends, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L05610, 2007, doi:10.1029/2006GL029171 (D. P. Chambers, M. E. Tamisiea, R. S. Nerem, and J. C. Ries).

Impact of GPS Satellite Antenna Offsets on GPS-based Precise Orbit Determination, Adv. Space Res., 39(10), 1524-1530, 2007, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2006.11.003 (proc. COSPAR 36th Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, July 16-23, 2006) (Z. Kang, B. Tapley, J. Ries, S. Bettadpur, and P. Nagel).

The International DORIS Service: genesis and early achievements, J. Geodesy, 80(8-11), 2006, pp. 403-417, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0082-4 (G. Tavernier, H. Fagard, M. Feissel-Vernier, K. Le Bail, F. Lemoine, C. Noll, R. Noomen, J. C. Ries, L. Soudarin, J.J. Valette, and P. Willis).

Global Geodetic Observing System--Considerations for the Geodetic Network Infrastructure, Geomatica Vol. 60, No. 2, 2006, pp. 193-204 (M. Pearlman, Z. Altamimi, France N. Beck, R. Forsberg, W. Gurtner, S. Kenyon, D. Behrend, F.G. Lemoine, C. Ma, C.E. Noll, E.C. Pavlis, Z. Malkin, A.W. Moore, F.H. Webb, R.E. Neilan, J.C. Ries, M. Rothacher, and P. Willis).

A Simulation Study of the Errors of Omission and Commission for GRACE RL01 Gravity Fields, J. Geodesy, 2006, pp. 1-11, DOI:10.1007/s00190-006-0083-3 (B. Gunter, S. Bettadpr, J. Ries, and B. Tapley).

Precise Orbit Determination for the GRACE Mission Using Only GPS Data, J. Geodesy, 2006, pp. 322-331, DOI:10.1007/s00190-006-0073-5 (Z. Kang, B. Tapley, S. Bettadpur, J. Ries, P. Nagel, and R. Pastor).

Defining a DORIS Core Network for Jason-1 Precise Orbit Determination Based on ITRF2000: Methods and Realization, J. Geodesy, 79(6-7), 370-378, DOI:10.1007/s00190-005-0475-9, 2005 (P. Willis and J. C. Ries).

The International DORIS Service (IDS), Adv. Space Res. 33(6), pp. 333-341, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2005.03.102, 2005 (G. Tavernier, H. Fagard, M. Feissel-Vernier, F. Lemoine, C. Noll, J. Ries, L. Soudarin, and P. Willis).

GGM02 - An Improved Earth Gravity Field Model from GRACE, J. Geodesy, 79, 467-478, DOI:10.1007/s00190-005-0480-z, 2005 (B. Tapley, J. Ries, S. Bettadpur, D. Chambers, M. Cheng, F. Condi, B. Gunter, Z. Kang, P. Nagel, R. Pastor, T. Pekker, S. Poole, and F. Wang).

Low Degree Gravitational Changes from GRACE: Validation and Interpretation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(22), L22607, DOI:10.1029/2004GL021670, 2004 (J. L. Chen, C. R. Wilson, B. D. Tapley, and J. C. Ries).

GRACE Measurements of Mass Variability in the Earth System, Science, 305 (5683), pp. 503-505, 23 July 2004 (B. D. Tapley, S. Bettadpur, J. C. Ries, P. F Thompson, and M. M. Watkins).

JASON-1 Precision Orbit Determination by Combining SLR and DORIS with GPS Tracking Data, Marine Geodesy, 27(1-2), 319-331, 2004 (K.-R. Choi, J. C. Ries, and B. D. Tapley).

Illuminating the Earth's Interior through Advanced Computing, Computing in Science and Engineering, pp. 36-44, Jan/Feb 2004 (A. Donnelan, J. Rundle, J. Ries, G. Fox, M. Pierce, J. Parker, R. Crippen, E. DeJong, B. Chao, W. Kuang, D. McLeod, M. Matu'ura, and J. Bloxham).

Calibration and Verification of Jason-1 Using Global Along-Track Residuals with TOPEX, Marine Geodesy, 26(3-4), 305-317, 2003 (D. P. Chambers, J. C. Ries, T. J. Urban).

The IAU 2000 Resolutions for Astrometry, Celestial Mechanics, and Metrology in the Relativistic Framework: Explanatory Supplement, The Astronomical Journal, 126, 2687-2706, 2003 (M. Soffel, S. A. Klioner, G. Petit, P. Wolf, S. M. Kopeikin, P. Bretagnon, V. A. Brumberg, N. Capitaine, T. Damour, T. Fukushima, B. Guinot, T. -Y. Huang, L. Lindegren, C. Ma, K. Nordtvedt, J. C. Ries, P. K. Seidelmann, D. Vokrouhlicky, C. M. Will, and C. Xu).

Large Scale Ocean Circulation from the GRACE GGM01 Geoid, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(22), 2163, DOI:10.1029/2003GL018622, 2003 (B. D. Tapley, D. P. Chambers, S. Bettadpur, and J. C. Ries).

New TOPEX Sea State Bias Models and their Effect on Global Mean Sea Level, J. Geophys. Res., 108(C10), 3305, DOI:10.1029/2003JC001839, 2003 (D. P. Chambers, S. A. Hayes, J. C. Ries and T. J. Urban).

Current Status of the DORIS Pilot Experiment and the Future International DORIS Service, Adv. Space Res., 30(2), 151-156, DOI: 10.1016/S0273-1177(02)00279-X (G. Tavernier, L. Soudarin, K. Larson, C. Noll, J. Ries and P. Willis).

On the use of Tide Gauges to Determine Altimeter Drift, J. Geophys. Res., 103(C6), 12885-12890, 1998 (D. P. Chambers, J. C. Ries, C. K. Shum, and B. D. Tapley).

The TEG-3 Geopotential Model, International Association of Geodesy International Symposium No. 117, Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy, 453-460, J. Seagwa, H. Fujimoto, and S. Okubo, (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1997 (Tapley, B. D., C. K. Shum, J. C. Ries, S. R. Poole, P. A. M. Abusali, S. V. Bettadpur, R. J. Eanes, M. C. Kim, H. J. Rim, and B. E. Schutz).

The Accuracy Assessment of Precise Orbits Computed from Doppler Tracking Data, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 45(4), 451-469, October-December 1997 (G. W. Davis, J. C. Ries, and B. D. Tapley).

Nongravitational Effects and the LAGEOS Eccentricity Excitations, J. Geophys. Res., 102(B2), 2711-2729, 1997 (G. Métris, D. Vokroulicky, J. C. Ries, and R. J. Eanes).

The JGM-3 Geopotential Model, J. Geophys. Res., 101(B12), 28029-28049, 1996 (B. D. Tapley, M. M. Watkins, J. C. Ries, G. W. Davis, R. J. Eanes, S. R. Poole, H. J. Rim, B. E. Schutz, C. K. Shum, R. S. Nerem, F. J. Lerch, J. A. Marshall, S. M. Klosko, N. K. Pavlis, and R. G. Williamson).

Dynamics of SLR Tracked Satellites, U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994, Reviews of Geophysics, Supplement, 353-360, 1995 (J. A. Marshall, S. M. Klosko, and J. C. Ries).

The Accuracy and Applications of Satellite Altimetry, Geophys. J. Int., 121, 321-336, 1995 (C. K. Shum, J. C. Ries, and B. D. Tapley).

Precision Orbit Determination for TOPEX/POSEIDON, J. Geophys. Res., 99(C12), 24,383-24,404, 1994 (B. D. Tapley, J. C. Ries, G. W. Davis, R. J. Eanes, B. E. Schutz, C. K. Shum, M. M. Watkins, J. A. Marshall, R. S. Nerem, B. H. Putney, S. M. Klosko, S. B. Luthcke, D. Pavlis, R. G. Williamson, and N. P. Zelensky).

Gravity Model Development for TOPEX/POSEIDON: Joint Gravity Models 1 and 2, J. Geophys. Res., 99(C12), 24,421-24,447, 1994 (R. S. Nerem, F. J. Lerch, J. A. Marshall, E. C. Pavlis, B. H. Putney, B. D. Tapley, R. J. Eanes, J. C. Ries, B. E. Schutz, C. K. Shum, M. M. Watkins, J. C. Chan, S. M. Klosko, S. B. Luthcke, G. B. Patel, N. K. Pavlis, R. G. Williamson, R. H. Rapp, R. Biancale, and F. Nouel).

Accuracy Assessment of the Large-Scale Dynamic Ocean Topography From TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimetry, J. Geophys. Res., 99(C12), 24,605-24,617, 1994 (B. D. Tapley, D. P. Chambers, C. K. Shum, R. J. Eanes, J. C. Ries, and R. H. Stewart).

The Determination of Large-Scale Sea Surface Topography and Its Variations Using Geosat Altimetry, Gravimetry and Space Techniques Applied to Geodynamics and Ocean Dynamics, Geophys. Monograph 82, IUGG Vol. 17, 21-32, 1994 (C. K. Shum, D. P. Chambers, J. C. Ries, D. N. Yuan, and B. D. Tapley).

Detailed Simulation of the LAGEOS-3 Measurement of the Lense-Thirring Precession, The First William Fairbank Conference on Relativistic Gravitational Experiments in Space, edited by M. Demlanski and C.W.F. Everitt, Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Vol. 7, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, pp 189-194, 1993 (M.M. Watkins, B.D. Tapley, R. J. Eanes, and J. C. Ries).

Satellite Altimetry: Its Applications and Accuracy Assessment, Adv. Space Res., 13 (11), 315-324, 1993 (C. K. Shum, B. D. Tapley, and J. C. Ries).

Surface Force Modeling for Precision Orbit Determination, in Environmental Effects on Spacecraft Positioning and Trajectories, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 73, edited by A. V. Jones, 111-124, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., 1993 (J. C. Ries, C. K. Shum, and B. D. Tapley).

LAGEOS Laser Ranging Contributions to Geodynamics, Geodesy, and Orbital Dynamics, in Contributions of Space Geodesy to Geodynamics: Earth Dynamics, Geodynamics Series, vol. 24, edited by D. E. Smith and D. L. Turcotte, 147-173, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., 1993 (B. D. Tapley, B. E. Schutz, R. J. Eanes, J. C. Ries, and M. M. Watkins).

Absolute Positioning Using DORIS Tracking of the SPOT-2 Satellite, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19(20), 2039-2042, October 23, 1992 (M. M. Watkins, J. C. Ries, and G. W. Davis).

Progress in the Determination of the Gravitational Coefficient of the Earth, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19(6), 529-531, March 20, 1992 (J. C. Ries, R. J. Eanes, C. K. Shum, and M. M. Watkins).

Monitoring of Changes in Mean Sea Level Using Satellite Altimetry, Sea Level Changes: Determination and Effects, Geophysical Monograph 69, IUGG Vol. 11, 1992. (B. D. Tapley, C. K. Shum, J. C. Ries, R. Suter and B. E. Schutz).

Orbit Determination in the Relativistic Geocentric Reference Frame, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 39(2), 173-181, April-June 1991 (J. C. Ries, C. Huang, M. M. Watkins, and B. D. Tapley).

Relativistic Effects for Near-Earth Satellite Orbit Determination, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 48, 167-185, 1990 (C. Huang, J. C. Ries, B. D. Tapley, and M. M. Watkins).

Precision Orbit Determination for the Geosat Exact Repeat Mission, J. Geophys. Res., 95(C3), 2887-2898, March 15, 1990 (C. K. Shum, D. N. Yuan, J. C. Ries, J. C. Smith, B. E. Schutz, and B. D. Tapley).

The Determination of the Gravitational Coefficient of the Earth from Near-Earth Satellites, Geophys. Res. Lett., 16(4), 271-274, 1989 (J. C. Ries, R. J. Eanes, C. Huang, B. E. Schutz, C. K. Shum, B. D. Tapley, M. M. Watkins, and D. N. Yuan).

Determination of the General Ocean Circulation From a Joint Gravity Field Solution, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15(10), 1109-1112, 1988 (B. D. Tapley, R. S. Nerem, C. K. Shum, J. C. Ries, and D. N. Yuan).

Effect of General Relativity on a Near-Earth Satellite in the Geocentric and Barycentric Reference Frames, Physical Review Letters, 61(8), 903-906, August 22, 1988 (J. C. Ries, C. Huang, and M. M. Watkins).

Digitized Global Land-Sea Map and Access Software, Bulletin Geodesique, 61, 311-317, 1987 (C. K. Shum, B. E. Schutz, J. C. Ries, and B. D. Tapley).

Accurate Measurement of Mean Sea Level Changes By Altimetric Satellites, J. Geophys. Res., 91(C10), 11,775-11,782, October 15, 1986 (G. H. Born, B. D. Tapley, J. C. Ries, and R. H. Stewart).

Polar Motion Results From GEOS-3 Laser Ranging, J. Geophys. Res., 84(B8), July 30, 1979 (B. E. Schutz, B. D. Tapley, J. C. Ries, and R. J. Eanes).

An Algorithm for the Power Series Solution to the First Order Differential Equation Where the Right Side is the Ratio of Two Polynomials, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2, 1976.

Books and Book Chapters:

Dragging of Inertial Frames, Fundamental Physics and Satellite Laser Ranging, in Frontiers in Relativistic Celestial Mechanics, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2014 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, V. Gurzadyan, E. Pavlis, R. Koenig, J. Ries, R. Matzner, R. Penrose, G. Sindoni, and C. Paris).

NRC (National Research Council), Precise Geodetic Infrastructure: National Requirements for a Shared Resource. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2010, 156 pp. (J. B. Minster, Z. Altamimi, G. Blewitt, W. E. Carter, A. Cazanave, H. Dragert, T. A. Herring, K. M. Larson, J. C. Ries, D. T. Sandwell, J. M. Wahr, and J. Davis).

Gravitomagnetism and Its Measurement with Laser Ranging to the LAGEOS Satellites and GRACE Earth Gravity Models, in General Relativity and John Archibald Wheeler, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 367, I. Ciufolini and R.A. Matzner (eds.), pp. 371-434, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3735-0_17, Springer, 2010 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. Pavlis, J. Ries, R. Koenig, R. Matzner, and G. Sindoni).

The LARES Space Experiment: LARES Orbit, Error Analysis and Satellite Structure, General Relativity and John Archibald Wheeler, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 367, I. Ciufolini and R.A. Matzner (eds.), pp. 467-492, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3735-0_19, Springer, 2010 (I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, E. Pavlis, J. Ries, R. Koenig, R. Matzner, and G. Sindoni).

GGOS Working Group on Ground Networks and Communications, in Dynamic Planet, Vol. 130, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, P. Tregoning and C. Rizos, (eds.), Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 719-726 (M. Pearlman, Z. Altamimi, N. Beck, R. Forsberg, W. Gurtner, S. Kenyon, D. Behrend, F. G. Lemoine, C. Ma, C. E. Noll, E. C. Pavlis, Z. Malki, A. W. Moore , F. H. Webb, R. E. Neilan, J. C. Ries, M. Rothacher, and P. Willis).

Precision Orbit Determination for Earth Observation Systems, in Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology, Wylie & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2, 341-355, 2003 (B. D. Tapley and J. C. Ries).

Satellite Altimetry, in Satellite Altimetry and Earth Sciences, Academic Press, San Diego, California, L.-L. Fu and A. Cazenave (eds.), 2000 (D. B. Chelton, J. C. Ries, B. J. Haines, L.-L. Fu, and P. S.


Development and Evaluation of the Global Gravity Model GGM05, CSR-16-02, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, May 2016 (J. Ries, S. Bettadpur, R. Eanes, Z. Kang, U. Ko, C. McCullough, P. Nagel, N. Pie, S. Poole, T. Richter, H. Save, and B. Tapley).

The Combination Global Gravity Model GGM05C, CSR-TM-16-01, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, January 2016 (J. Ries, S. Bettadpur, R. Eanes, Z. Kang, U. Ko, C. McCullough, P. Nagel, N. Pie, S. Poole, T. Richter, H. Save, and B. Tapley).

2013 GRACE Science Team Meeting, The Earth Observer, 29(2), 29-33, March-April 2014 (J. Ries).

External Evaluation of the Terrestrial Reference Frame: Report of the Task Force of the IAG Sub-commission 1.2, C. Rizos and P. Willis (eds.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, International Association of Geodesy Symposia 139, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3__25, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 (X. Collilieux, Z. Altamimi, D.F. Argus, C. Boucher, A. Dermanis, B.J. Haines, T.A. Herring, C.W. Kreemer, F.G. Lemoine, C. Ma, D. S. MacMillan, J. Mäkinen, L. Métivier, J. Ries, F. N. Teferle, X. Wu).

International Laser Ranging Service 2009-2010 Report, Section 12, pp. 27-30, Edited by C. Noll and M. Pearlman, NASA/TP 2013-217507, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, in preparation (J. Ries, M. Cheng, and R. Eanes).

Evaluation of the EGM2008 gravity model, Newton's bulletin No 4, pp. 18-25, April 2009 (M. K. Cheng, J. C. Ries, D. P. Chambers).

International Laser Ranging Service 2007-2008 Report, Section 12, pp. 27-30, Edited by C. Noll and M. Pearlman, NASA/TP-2010-215848, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, November 2009, (J. Ries, M. Cheng, and R. Eanes).

International DORIS Service (IDS) Activity Report, 2006-2008, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, 2009, (G. Tavernier, P. Ferrage, H. Fagard, F. Lemoine, C. Noll, R. Noomen, J. C. Ries, L. Soudarin, J. J. Valette, P. Willis, P. Stepanek, M. Otten, S. Kuzin, P. Moore, and R. Govind).

Report from the Earth Science Enterprise Computational Technology Requirements Workshop, Washington, D.C., April 30-May 1, 2002.

Assessment of NPOESS Altimeter Accuracy, CSR-TM-00-08, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, October 2000 (D. P. Chambers, J. C. Ries, B. D. Tapley and T. J. Urban).

Precise Orbits for ERS-2 Using Laser Ranging and PRARE Tracking, CSR-TM-99-03, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, May 1999 (J. C. Ries, J. J. Bordi and T. J. Urban).

Precise Orbits for ERS-1 Using Laser Ranging and Altimeter Crossovers, CSR-TM-99-02, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, March 1999 (J. C. Ries, J. J. Bordi and T. J. Urban).

Non-Gravitational Force Modelling Effects on Satellite Orbits, Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy and Geodynamics Bulletin No. 14, Report of the Int. Assoc. of Geodesy Section II to the XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 73-80, Munich, 1997 (J. C. Ries).

Site Positions and Velocities from DORIS Tracking of SPOT-2 and TOPEX/POSEIDON, CSR-TM-94-04, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, November 1994 (G. W. Davis, J. C. Ries, P. R. Pastor, and M. M. Watkins).

Application of an Impulse Thrust Model for Precise Orbit Determination of Altimetric Satellites, CSR-TM-94-03, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, July 1994 (D. P. Chambers, J. C. Ries, and C. K. Shum).

Accuracy Assessment of the TOPEX Altimeter Bias Estimation, CSR-TM-93-09, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, December 1993 (P.N.A.M. Visser, C. K. Shum, B. D. Tapley, J. C. Ries, and G.L.H. Kruizinga).

The Effect of Solar Array Warping on TOPEX Orbit Determination, CSR-TM-93-01, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, February 1993 (S. Kar and J. C. Ries).

Dynamic Ocean Topography for TOPEX/POSEIDON, in Climate Diagnostics Bulletin, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, published monthly beginning July 1993.

Preliminary Orbit Determination for the SPOT-2 Satellite Using DORIS Doppler Data, CSR-TM-92-01, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, July 1992 (J. C. Ries, G. W. Davis, P. H. Pradel, and P. Feitz).

Software Intercomparison Results: Phase I & Phase II, by J. C. Ries, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, and D. Pavlis, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, March 1992.

Application of Satellite Radar Altimetry Over Ice, CSR-TM-91-01, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, May 1991 (C. K. Shum, J. C. Ries, and M. M. Watkins).

The Analysis of Atmospheric Density Models for Precision Orbit Determination, CSR-TM-90-04, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, September 1990 (V. Nuth and J. C. Ries).

Simulation of an Experiment to Measure the Lense-Thirring Precession Using a Second LAGEOS Satellite, CSR-89-05, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, December 1989.

Measuring the Lense-Thirring Precession, NASA Contract NAGW-1330, CSR-89-03, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, September 30, 1989.

TOPEX Gravity Model Improvement Meeting and Precision Orbit Determination Meeting Minutes, CSR-88-05, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, November 1988.

The Effect of Geodesic Precession in the Non-Inertial Geocentric Frame, CSR-TM-87-04, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, December 1987 (C. Huang and J. C. Ries).

The Relativistic Geopotential Correction in the Barycentric Frame, CSR-TM-87-03, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, December 1987 (C. Huang, J. C. Ries, and M. M. Watkins).

Earth Radiation Pressure Effects on Satellites, CSR-TM-87-01, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, September 1987 (P. Knocke and J. C. Ries).

Analysis of Tranet-II Tracking Data for Geosat, CSR-TM-86-01, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, August 1986 (J. C. Ries, B. D. Tapley, B. E. Schutz, C. K. Shum, and J. S. Li).

Atmospheric Drag Model for Precision Orbit Determination, CSR-86-02, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, January 1986 (C. K. Shum, J. C. Ries, B. D. Tapley, P. Escudier, and E. Delaye).

The Period of Charon, Derived from the Observed Barycentric Motion of Pluto, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 1981, Vol. 13, p. 573 (T. C. van Flandern, K. F. Pulkkinen, J. C. Ries, and R. L. Duncombe).

Earth Rotation From LAGEOS Laser Ranging (Preliminary Results), Bureau International de l'Heure (BIH), Annual Report for 1978 (B. E. Schutz, B. D. Tapley, R. J. Eanes, and J. C. Ries).

Solid Earth Dynamics From GEOS-3, Final Report NAS6-2454, IASOM TR 78-4, Institute for Advanced Studies in Orbital Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, May 1978 (B. E. Schutz, B. D. Tapley, and J. C. Ries.