LiftOff Summer Institute

Drawing of rocket blasting off over moon with text flight paths to innovation liftoff 2025 -- Liftoff Summer Institute promotional banner for Grade 5-12 STEM educators and current pre-service teachers. The theme is ‘Flight Paths to Innovation - Liftoff 2025,’ featuring a rocket launching over the moon with stars in the background. The event takes place June 22-27, 2025, and is a weeklong training for teachers. Application deadline: December 20, 2024.

Program Announcement

Beginning in the summer of 1990, UT Austin Center for Space Research (UTCSR) and NASA’s Texas Space Grant Consortium initiated a weeklong professional development training for teachers. This program, called LiftOff, migrated to UTCSR in 2023 and emphasizes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning experiences by incorporating a space science theme supported by NASA missions. Teacher participants are provided with information and experiences through speakers, hands-on activities, and field investigations that promote space science and enrichment activities for themselves and others.

Program Highlights

As NASA advances toward long-duration space exploration, aerospace science and technology are key to paving the way for innovation. This year’s LiftOff Educator Institute theme, Flight Paths Toward Innovation, will focus on groundbreaking NASA research and the cutting-edge technologies that make space exploration possible.

NASA’s supersonic aircraft, the X-59, paves the way for faster and quieter air travel. The X-59 project will play a pivotal role in reshaping commercial air travel on Earth, contributing to a more eco-efficient future for global transportation.

Research aboard the International Space Station and advancements in satellite technology are critical in preparing humanity for space exploration and the future of our own planet. From earth observations to space-based research, innovations in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) contribute to our understanding of issues from Earth’s climate to the development of deep space life-support systems.

The Artemis program is NASA’s initiative to return humans to the Moon and establish a sustainable presence, paving the way for future exploration of Mars.This mission requires discoveries and progress in every branch of science. And as we push the boundaries of human spaceflight, NASA drives advancements in robotics and communications to the outer solar system. Driven by humanity’s quest to explore, NASA’s technologies and innovations are advancing our future on Earth and beyond.

Join us for LiftOff 2025 to increase your knowledge about Flight Paths to Innovation!

Program Features

  • Presentations by NASA scientists and engineers
  • Hands-on, inquiry based classroom activities aligned to educational standards
  • Career Exploration
  • Teacher Feature (sharing of classroom lessons and activities)
  • Opportunity to interact with researchers dedicated to space missions

Eligibility Requirements

  • Currently employed as a 5-12 grade STEM educator or current pre-service teacher
  • Demonstrate willingness to share information with others
  • Must be a U.S. citizen

Registration Information

  • Participants: $1,250 registration fee (includes lodging, meals, tours)
  • Participants, sponsors, or sponsoring Space Grants will be responsible for travel to Houston, Texas
  • Applications: Must be submitted online

LiftOff 2025 Funding Partners: UT CSR, Wisconsin Space Grant, Louisiana Space Grant, and Space for Teachers. Program announcement is contingent upon receiving NASA funding.