LiftOff Online Application Requirements

Drawing of rocket blasting off over moon with text flight paths to innovation liftoff 2025 -- Liftoff Summer Institute promotional banner for Grade 5-12 STEM educators and current pre-service teachers. The theme is ‘Flight Paths to Innovation - Liftoff 2025,’ featuring a rocket launching over the moon with stars in the background. The event takes place June 22-27, 2025, and is a weeklong training for teachers. Application deadline: December 20, 2024.

To submit an application for LiftOff 2025, you must complete the online application instructions.

  • If you are currently a 5-12 grade STEM educator or pre-service teacher and have never attended LiftOff Summer Institute before – apply here
  • If you have attended LiftOff Summer Institute (LiftOff Alumni) – apply here

Instructions for the online application

Be prepared to answer the following short answer questions


    1. What is your formal education and teaching experience? (Degree, Years Taught, etc.)
    2. What is your current assignment? (Describe job responsibilities and other related duties)
    3. List professional activities (In-service participation, membership in professional organizations, # workshops taught and audience)
    4. Other teacher-related activities. (Educational outreach activities in the community, youth programs, etc.)

If you are a pre-service teacher – in 100 words minimum, 500 maximum:

    1. What is your current major? Why did you choose it?
    2. What attracted you to the education field? What are your career goals?
    3. What are some ways you would incorporate space science materials into your classroom?
    4. How would you share the information you receive with fellow pre-service educators?
    5. Why would you like to be selected for the LiftOff Summer Institute?

If you are an educator that has never attended LiftOff Summer Institute before – in 100 words minimum, 500 maximum:

    1. What are some ways you would incorporate space science materials into your classroom?
    2. How would you share the information you receive with fellow educators?
    3. Why would you like to be selected for the LiftOff Summer Institute?

If you are a LiftOff Alumni – in 100 words minimum, 500 maximum:

    1. How have you used the LiftOff information, lessons, and resources with students?
    2. In what ways have you shared the LiftOff information with fellow educators?
    3. How has the LiftOff Summer Institute helped you as a teacher?
    4. Why would you like to be selected to return for the LiftOff Summer Institute?

2. Complete the online application

3. Upload a 3-5 minute introduction video