Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)
The Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) mission stands as a pioneering endeavor in Earth observation, meticulously studying the intricate dynamics of our planet’s polar ice sheets, clouds, and land surfaces with unprecedented accuracy and precision for its time. Launched by NASA in 2003 as part of the Earth Observing System, ICESat embodies a remarkable fusion of cutting-edge technology and scientific inquiry, harnessing laser altimetry to monitor many of Earth’s climate variables. Through the observations, ICESat offered invaluable insights into the complex interplay of Earth’s systems, facilitating a deeper understanding of sea level rise, ice sheet dynamics, and terrestrial ecology. CSR had a critical role in the mission that spanned from early design and development to on-orbit calibration, validation, operations and data product production. Dr. Bob Schutz led the ICESat science team for nearly a decade and the project supported numerous graduate student degrees and full-time research staff on topics of instrument validation studies, precision orbit determination, precision attitude determination and science studies in terrestrial ecosystems and ocean topography.