CSR Graduate Student Handbook

Computer Use Policy

As an employee of the Center for Space Research, you are entitled to a computer account for the purpose of doing professional research, administrative tasks, or other work-related activities. CSR staff will do everything we can to help you with computer access, However, it is important to understand that the University has strict policies and guidelines regarding the acceptable use of computer resources. You are strongly encouraged to read UT’s Acceptable Use Policy at: https://security.utexas.edu/policies/aup.

It is essential that you understand these facts:

Only YOU are authorized to use the computer account that has been issued to you. You are not to give out your password to anyone else. You are ultimately responsible for all activities which occur under your account. You will be held responsible for destructive or illegal activity done by someone other than you who uses your computer account.

You may not be paid, or otherwise profit, from the use of any University-provided computing resource or from any output produced using it. Further, you may not promote any commercial activity using University resources. For example:

  • You may not post advertisements.
  • You may not post “chain letters.”
  • You may not use your account to run or promote a business.

Never use any University-provided computing resource to do something illegal, threatening, or deliberately destructive – not even as a joke. All complaints will be investigated. The Office of the Dean of Students investigates complaints about students; the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost investigates complaints about UT faculty and staff. Violations can result in disciplinary action, criminal charges, or both. The police and the FBI routinely investigate such matters. Ignorance is no excuse. Please read the Computer Crimes Law found at: http://www.utexas.edu/policies/computercrimes.html.

No one is exempt from the law, even if you are “just a student” or you were “just playing around.” If you are a student with a part-time job at the University, you may be disciplined as an employee and as a student, resulting in both professional and educational consequences.

In addition to a computer account, you may also be granted direct access to computer systems here at CSR. It is also important to remember that these resources are the property of the University, and it is expected that you take proper care of them.

Violations of any of the above policies will be reported to CSR management to determine consequences for policy violations.

If, at any time, you need help with any computer resources, you can contact the computer services staff directly, or send an email to the CSR Help Desk at:  techsupport@csr.utexas.edu

Graduate Research Assistant Benefits

Graduate research assistants or research assistants with at least a half-time (20 hours/week) 4.5 month appointment (paid a regular monthly salary) may qualify for in-state tuition. CSR will pay tuition and required fees except a one-time general property deposit and any optional fees the student elects (such as an optional rec. center locker fee, etc.).

Irene Lam is responsible for payment of tuition and required fees. For students who are classified as non-residents, a tuition waiver form is required verifying student employment. A similar form is available for students’ spouses and parents.

As a regular UT employee, you are entitled to health insurance (with optional dental insurance). When you begin your employment, you will be given the default insurance plan. However, you may change this to one of several alternative health plans. This change of health plans may be done only once a year and must be done within 31 days of the beginning of your employment for the first year. At an additional cost, the UT health services may also be extended to cover family members. To obtain detailed information on all insurance options, please attend an insurance orientation session in the Benefits section of the Office of Human Resources. Please ask Irene Lam for details.

Paychecks are distributed on the first working day of a month for the preceding month.

As academic employees you will not accrue vacation or sick leave but will observe the holiday schedule for regular full-time staff. The period of your appointment will be by semester.

University IDs are available in the Flawn Academic Center. You will need to bring your photo ID.

You must have a UT permit to park at WPR, West Pickle Research.  Graduate student employees may purchase an “A” parking permit. Parking info can be found at https://parking.utexas.edu/parking.


CSR’s main telephone number, 512-471-5573, is intended for official CSR business only, and this number may not be given out for personal telephone calls.

Copiers, Printers, and Plotter Machines

The use of the copiers, printers, and plotter must be limited to work-related activities. Please observe the following guidelines:

  • Copier codes are available at the CSR front desk.
  • Copying or printing for personal libraries is prohibited.
  • Make black and white test prints before using color.
  • Be aware of what printer you are sending output to – if you send output to a different printer, please still pick up your misdirected output rather than just reprinting (especially if the material is sensitive).
  • Use black & white when color isn’t necessary (especially for drafts).
  • To save paper, use the duplex feature when appropriate.
  • Do not use of the wide format plotter, without help. Experimentation can get very expensive. Please use the less expensive non-glossy paper when printing drafts and try reducing plot size to save paper and ink for initial revisions.
  • The fax machine may be used for local calls without an access code. Long-distance transmissions must be sent by a staff member. Please give the material to the CSR receptionist to be sent.

UT Human Resources New Employee Information
CSR Employee Retirement/Separation Checklist